Winlog Evo changelog



Bug fixes

  • Runtime: Demo mode lasts 2 minutes instead of 120.
  • Template Builder: Web - if there are onClick properties associated with a Frame or Image object with children, then template loading will crash.
  • Reports: Memory leak due to RTF/PDF report generation - Runtime crash possible after generating several reports.



New features

  • I/O drivers: Added new MQTT driver designed to allow publishing and subscribing to topics on MQTT v3.1.1 brokers.
  • WebClient: The OnClick property now allows two actions so you can do an "Apply Changes" and an "Open Template".
  • Runtime: New disk full alarm management and recording of "Disk full alarm" and "Invalid license alarm" in the alarm history.

Bug fixes

  • Watchdog: If multiple exceptions are received within a short time frame, the Runtime will slow down significantly.
  • Reports: When each report is generated, a handle remains allocated.
  • Runtime: The automatic deletion of the oldest historical files in case of disk full, is not performed on the alarm/Event and user changes histories.

Performance improvements

  • Template Builder: MessageBoxes are sometimes covered by the PropertyEditor and Objects tree windows.

Breaking changes

  • Protocol Siemens MPI: Device Ethernet - Fixed the use of PC MPI address, Station address, Rack number and Slot number parameters.



New features

  • Language and API: Added SetFocus function (TObjFunction(20)) to Edit, Button, CheckBox, RadioButton, ComboBox, FileListBox objects.
  • Templates and template objects: Chart object: introduced the ability to display in the cursor window the maximum, minimum and delta limits of a box displayed on the graph plot window.
  • I/O drivers: Keyence PLC communication protocol: added string gates management.
  • Language and API: Added Winlog language instructions StrToUnsigned() and UnsignedToStr().

Bug fixes

  • Runtime: In case of multi-session operating system, a copy of Winlog was started for each session.
  • Template Builder: Chart Object: Cursor icon not displayed.
  • Language and API: Runtime crashes when using the interface APIs to MySQL/MariaDB.



New features

  • Template Builder: ToolTip display near the mouse pointer when object insertion is in progress.
  • Templates and template objects: Chart object - Added logarithmic graph management.
  • Templates and template objects: Chart object - Cursor window - added possibility to show cursor actual position (analytic), delta between two points (delta) or gradient calculated between two points (gradient).
  • Templates and template objects: Chart object - chart group completely revised, adding the possibility to specify interpolation mode, line width, show points, decimal or logarithmic scale and unit of measure for each single line.
  • Templates and template objects: Chart object - maximum number of lines improved from 10 to 20.
  • Templates and template objects: Chart object - added "Cursor pointer action" property.
  • Templates and template objects: Chart object - added "Show unit of measure" property.

Bug fixes

  • Templates and template objects: SVG background bitmaps are not resized correctly.
  • SmartApp: The permissions for changing the value of ports and confirmation of an event are those of the WebClient and not those of the SmartApp.
  • Template Builder: If you add an already existing frame to an "Image" object and do not confirm the overwriting, an error appears.
  • Templates and template objects: Chart object - Online button don't change to "enabled" status if the chart is not started in Online mode.
  • Runtime: Sometimes it happens that an application doesn't start..
  • Templates and template objects: If some elements (image file names, template names, comparison strings) contain the ',' (comma) character, they are not handled correctly.
  • WebClient: WMF and EMF images are mistakenly converted with black background.

Performance improvements

  • Sharing protocol OPC UA Server: Recompilation with updated library

Dependencies upgrade

  • Base libraries: zlib library upgraded to version 1.3.1.
  • Language and API: MariaDB Connector/C upgraded to version 3.1.23.
  • Base libraries: PCRE library upgraded to version 8.45.



New features

  • I/O drivers: added Keyence Host Link communication protocol.
  • Protocol Modbus TCP: introduction of optional parameter "end of string" on writing string gate.
  • Protocol Modbus RTU: introduction of optional parameter "end of string" on writing string gate.
  • Sharing drivers: Added new Modbus server driver. It allows to share gates value over network (Modbus TCP and Modbus UDP) and serial (Modbus RTU) connections.
  • Project Manager: 'About' dialog box shows the availability of software updates.

Bug fixes

  • Protocol KNX (Falcon): 'Routing counter' parameter is not sent correctly in read and write frames.
  • WebClient: Compound gates are not drawn in the charts.
  • Virtual keyboard: Foreground image of the virtual keys is drawn in wrong size.
  • Virtual keyboard: The 'tiled' mode display of the key background image is ignored.
  • Runtime: Sometimes the application doesn't end properly.
  • Language and API: The HistDbGetNextRecord() language statement leaves the file open in some cases.
  • Gate Builder: In the "Gates information" window, compound gates are incorrectly counted as "Always" sampled
  • Templates and template objects: Chart object: in the Chart group selection window, if you press the "Help" button, the help opens but it points to a page that does not exist.
  • Gate Builder: importing text from file and from Clipboard loses the last column.
  • Recipes: memory leak in case of importing and executing recipes with gates whose name reaches the maximum length (20 characters).
  • WebClient: fix 12h format issue
  • WebClient: StatusBar: fix text and background color issue on particular cases
  • Gate Builder: If you import gates from an application without shared protocols into an application with shared protocols, the data relating to the shared protocols are not initialized to the default.
  • Watchdog: On applications with 15 channels it gives false error message.
  • Templates and template objects: Label object - The TObjGetText(ID) function can cause a crash if there are 2 or more Label objects with the same ID and equal to the one requested by the TObjGetText(ID).
  • Runtime: In the case of application with sampled gates and no associated protocol, the license is always reported as "Verifying..."
  • Templates and template objects: XYChart object - Crash if XMin = XMax or YMin = YMax.

Performance improvements

  • Sharing protocol OPC UA Server: complete revision.


  • Code Builder: updated examples relating to the API/Files section.
  • Sharing drivers: Help update



New features

  • Protocol M-Bus: Added "TCP Socket" mode to allow communication through a "transparent" Ethernet/M-Bus gateway.
  • WebClient: Add BarChart, PieChart and XYChart components
  • Virtual keyboard: Added the "StayPressed" property to Shift keys to allow a behavior similar to a real Shift-lock key.
  • Template Builder: added possibility to insert PieChart, BarChart and XYChart objects in WebTemplates.
  • Virtual Keyboard Builder: added "Stay pressed" property to Shift key.
  • Gate Builder, Gates: Event/alarm gates - "Variation" condition added also for numeric or composed reference gates while on the digital ones it was already managed.

Bug fixes

  • Template Builder: BarChart object - an error appears if a barchart is deleted or there are no barcharts defined.
  • Templates and template objects: BarChart object - crash if the template contains a BarChart object with no charts defined.
  • Templates and template objects: BarChart object - error displaying negative values in "Overlapping" mode
  • Template Builder: filter error on gate name selection.
  • Template Builder: minor fixes on PieChart object.
  • Templates and template objects, Template Builder: RecipeManager object - does not launch the VirtualKeyboard, does not adjust to the rights of the logged operator and sometimes causes a runtime crash when closing the containing template.
  • Templates and template objects: PieChart object - incorrect display in case of a slice with a very high value and other slices with a value tending to 0.
  • Templates and template objects, Template Builder: PieChart object - fixes on displaying labels in case of very long text.
  • Templates and template objects: BarChart object - sometimes an error message appears if autorange is enabled.
  • Templates and template objects: BarChart object - sometimes crashes when Instant = "Use instant set by scripting API".
  • Template Builder: error in resizing HistoricalView, Alarms/Events view and Historical Alarms/Events view objects.
  • Protocol Mitsubishi Melsec 1E frame, Protocol Mitsubishi Melsec 3E frame: Help I/O drivers: string gates are erroneously specified as sampling as block.
  • Language and API: ReportInsertHistoricalAlarmRTF() function: erroneously inserts the TAB also at the end of the last field.
  • Templates and template objects: XYChart object - chart tracing error in "With previous value of the same gate" mode in case of points belonging to the same second.
  • Templates and template objects: XYChart object - sometimes crashes when opening the template containing the object.
  • Templates and template objects: XYChart object - legend display error.
  • Templates and template objects: XYChart object - lower X axis oblique text display error.
  • Template Builder: XYChart object - error if "Legend elements" is set to "Auto".
  • Template Builder: XYChart object - if the display of the cursor on the right or on the left is set, it is erroneously allowed to set the columns on which to display the values, instead of forcing it to 1.
  • Templates and template objects, Template Builder: XYChart object - Y-axis label not centered.
  • Templates and template objects: Chart object - restting zoom in online mode traces incorrect lines.
  • Templates and template objects: Chart object - in some cases the registration hole is not correct.
  • Templates and template objects: Chart object - sometimes crashes while loading history.
  • Templates and template objects: Alarms/Events view object - display error in the "To Ack" column.
  • Templates and template objects: Chart object - sometimes shows false logging holes.

Performance improvements

  • Protocol OPC UA Client: modified the Item download procedure to allow access also to the single components of the data structures.
  • Templates and template objects, Template Builder: new implementation of the TimeRange property.

GUI improvements

  • Templates and template objects, Template Builder: BarChart and PieChart objects - minor adjustments in legend display.
  • Templates and template objects, Template Builder: PieChart object - handled case of placeHolder = "%.*f" in CentralLabel.
  • Templates and template objects, Template Builder: PieChart object - optimized legend view.
  • Templates and template objects: PieChart object - optimized display in case of Donutmode active.
  • Templates and template objects, Template Builder: XYChart object - modified legend view merged with cursor.
  • Virtual Keyboard Builder: virtual keyboard default pictures have the same style between pressed and not pressed.



New features

  • WebClient: Added "Style" and "Name" properties to the web template.
  • Templates and template objects: Added PieChart and BarChart objects, ThermMap object transformed into XYChart.
  • WebClient: Template: add window style

Bug fixes

  • Template Builder: An error message appears when inserting the FileListBox object into the template.
  • Sharing protocol OPC UA Server: an error appears if it is shared a gate whose name contains an ASCII character > 127.
  • SmartApp: Hide footer if events/alarms are not enabled for the user



New features

  • Templates and template objects: Added properties to the FileListBox object to allow sorting of folders and navigation only below the initial folder.
  • Data logs: For ODBC destinations, column types of created tables are no longer fixed, but derived from the DBMS. This ensures full compatibility with Oracle and PostgreSQL.
  • Protocol KNX (Falcon): Added support to datatypes 30 and 219 for numeric gates.
  • WebClient: Wnabled "Save CSV" and "Print" buttons for HistoricalView, OperatorView, HistAlarmsView objects
  • Template Builder: Chart object - added opening of the charts definition window by double clicking on the object

Bug fixes

  • WebClient: OnlineView, HistView: fix issue on filter by class
  • Language and API: Values returned by the Random function are not so random.
  • Language and API: Help update
  • Templates and template objects: HistAlarmsView and AlarmsView objects - filter class 2 accepts at most 9 characters instead of 10.
  • Reports, Templates and template objects: If a report containing a Chart object is generated more than 255 times without restarting the computer then the message "Too many pages in scheme" appears.
  • Templates and template objects: Chart object: sometimes the charts corresponding to gates that do not change are not displayed.
  • WebClient: In web templates the property "Positioning - relative" is saved incorrectly.
  • Protocol OPC UA Client: In some cases, some folders and their respective items are not displayed.
  • Templates and template objects: Sometimes the server selection window crashes in the Chart, HistoricalView, HistoricalAlarm/EventView and OperatorView objects.
  • Templates and template objects: Chart object - buttons are not disabled during remote server selection.
  • Language and API: Updated help of SMSOpenChannel() instruction.
  • Templates and template objects: Chart object - error drawing a digital gate that never changes.
  • Templates and template objects: Chart object - error displaying cursor coordinates when number of decimal digits of the gate is 0.
  • Templates and template objects: Chart object - TObjSetPropertyString() of ChartGroupName does not load the Y scale of the newly selected group.
  • Templates and template objects: Chart object - "Reset Zoom" sometimes doesn't reset the correct Y scale.
  • Template Builder: StatusBar object - if the text contains quotes then the template is saved incomplete.
  • Code Builder: Fixed help MessageBox().

Performance improvements

  • Templates and template objects: In order to reduce use of system resources, now template objects use shared fonts.
  • Gate Builder: Optimization of loading of the items made available by the OPC Client protocols.
  • Protocol OPC UA Client: Speeded up the loading of the Item selection window

Breaking changes

  • Gates: For gates declared to be sampled "in monitor and at startup", the initial read attempt is repeated until a valid response.

Dependencies upgrade

  • Base libraries: zlib library upgraded to version 1.2.12
  • Base libraries: OpenSSL library upgraded to version 1.0.2u



New features

  • SmartApp, WebClient: Added support for multiple tabs (or browser windows) connected to the same server.
  • WebClient: Historical View, Alarms View, Operator View: add support to "Save as CSV" and "Print"
  • WebClient: Settings: add "Locale" tab

Bug fixes

  • SmartApp, WebClient: Memory leaks serving data to clients.
  • Project Manager: In the table that defines gates of a data log, if you click reorder buttons while editing columns, the table data may be corrupted.
  • Template Builder: Multi-selecting the HMeter object, all the other objects inserted in the multi-selection are moved.
  • WebClient: Gadgets, RadialMeter: fix sectors size when min and max values are different from 0 and 100
  • WebClient: ChechBox, RadioBtn: fix object visualization when the associated label is empty
  • WebClient: NeedApply: fix issue raised when confirming the value of two or more components assigned to the same gate
  • SmartApp: fix issue with big icons on Internet Explorer



New features

  • WebClient: Chart groups are no longer statically converted during web publishing. From now on they will reflect changes at runtime.
  • Protocol Siemens MPI: Introduced the possibility of reading / writing string gates - format Char [] (DBx.DBCy).
  • Template Builder: Added "Template resizing" function.
  • Template Builder: Introduced the possibility of displaying the ID and main properties of each object in the Object Tree window.
  • SmartApp: Added ability to specify the direction of the Gauge object.
  • WebClient: Chart Object - the Combined Interpolation, Autorange properties and all the properties relating to the Legend and the cursor have been added.
  • WebClient: Chart object: "Enable Groups" and "Show Groups Button" properties have been addded.
  • Protocol Modbus TCP: Added possibility to specify Backup Ip Address to manage redundant Modbus devices.

Bug fixes

  • Templates and template objects: Default template Alarms/Events view: click on alarm line causes crash.
  • Template Builder: Modifying a gate in the gates list of the template does not update the objects that use that gate.
  • Gate Builder: If no row has been selected, it is still possible to export the selected rows.
  • Template Builder: In zoomed mode, by clicking on the squares that delimit the object, the resize does not work correctly.
  • Template Builder: In zoomed mode, saving the Item Height parameter from the ComboBox is wrong .
  • SmartApp Builder: The preview does not work (starting from version 4.0.17)
  • Templates and template objects: Chart object - minor bug fix.
  • SmartApp Builder: On Windows 8.1 you do not see the icons associated with the fonts.
  • SmartApp Builder: .bmp images are not converted.
  • Templates and template objects: HistoricalView object - in some cases the hour column represents hours on a 12 basis without indicating AM or PM. Now the display has been forced on a 24 hour basis.
  • Runtime: If in Windows the time display is set to 12 hours, in Winlog it is not shown AM or PM.
  • Template Builder: Multi-selecting the HMeter object, all the other objects inserted in the multi-selection are moved.
  • WebClient: fix dates when client and server have different time zones

Performance improvements

  • Gate Builder: Revision of shortcuts and texts.
  • Gate Builder: Disabled auto-completion of the text in the gate definition.



New features

  • Protocol Panasonic - Mewtocol: Introduced the possibility of reading / writing string.
  • Language and API: SendMail function - added negotiation with mail server for TLS 1.2 support
  • SmartApp: Added possibility to configure the active alarms / events counter shown on the main page of the SmartApp

Bug fixes

  • Templates and template objects: Charts object : charts group definition window: setting the minimum Y limit and maximum Y limit as negative numbers does not work correctly.
  • Language and API: StrSubString function - by calling the function with parameter pos <= 0, the Runtime closes.
  • Templates and template objects: Button, UpDown, Edit, CheckBox, RadioButton and ComboBox objects continue to show the custom cursor even when disabled.
  • Gate Builder: Numeric and compound gates - added verification of correctness of conversion factor
  • Gates: Writing a numeric gate with a conversion factor incorrectly set to 0->0 and 1->0 causes a crash in the Runtime.
  • Gate Builder: Copying/pasting gates between two different applications generates an error if one of the two applications has a share protocol enabled and the other does not.
  • Language and API: Runtime closes when a subtraction, multiplication or division between strings is performed.
  • Code Builder: Text in the Preferences window is displayed incomplete.
  • Recipes: Closing the recipe template editor always asks if you want to save even if nothing has been changed.
  • Recipes: If you cancel the recipe import operation, sometimes an error message appears.
  • Gate Builder: The Sharing tab is always enabled even if the license does not allow it.
  • Template Builder: In template zoomed mode, moving an object using the cursor keys changes its size.
  • Template Builder: In template zoomed mode, moving multiple multi-selected objects using the cursor keys changes their alignment.
  • Code Builder: Almost all HistDb functions do not point to the correct help.
  • Virtual Keyboard Builder: In template zoomed mode, moving an object using the cursor keys changes its size
  • Gates: Gates status template - if a channel that has no gates of that type is selected in the filter, the Runtime closes.

Performance improvements

  • Code Builder: Improved syntax check in case of missing end of statement delimiter (;)
  • Code Builder: Improved syntax checking on expressions
  • Code Builder: Now an error is reported if an assignment is made to a variable using a void function.



New features

  • WebClient: Add Gadgets items (Sliders, meters, thermometers, etc..)
  • SmartApp, WebClient: Add "Stay signed in" option in the login forms
  • Template Builder: Added "Zoom" function.
  • Protocol KNX (Falcon): Group addresses can be specified in "2-level format" and "free format".
  • Protocol KNX (Falcon): Added support to datatypes 22, 25, 27, 28 and 29.
  • SmartApp: Add Settings panel
  • Protocol Modbus TCP: Added "Wait for connection" parameter.
  • Template Builder: Led object - the double click now opens by default the setting of the On condition
  • Template Builder: StatusBar object - added opening of the "Status configuration" window on double click.
  • Sharing protocol OPC UA Server: added possibility of reading event/alarm gates status and confirmation/exclusion/inclusion from OPC UA Client

Bug fixes

  • WebClient: Gauge: fix text contrast in Standard Gauge
  • SmartApp Builder: Button object - ON condition on digital gate always remains set to 1
  • Protocol OPC UA Client: the download of variables from a server that requires authentication (username and password) does not work.
  • Protocol Modbus TCP: Modified Response Handling routine to discard, within the timeout, all frames that do not have TransactionId congruent with the question.
  • Protocol Siemens MPI: Reading a DBx.DBDx variable causes protocol crashes.
  • Protocol Siemens MPI: Error checking of a mixed block of DBx.DBFx and DBx.DBWx variables causes protocol crashes.
  • Templates and template objects: the RecipeManager object incorrectly shows the two simulated models, used in the TBuilder object.

GUI improvements

  • SmartApp: Improve layout and items behavior



New features

  • Language and API: Added plugins of MariaDB Connector/C.
  • Protocol Siemens MPI: Introduced the possibility of reading and writing variables DBx.DBWS and DBx.DBDS (swapped = Big Endian).

Bug fixes

  • Template Builder: VMeter, HMeter, 120Meter, 180Meter, 270 Meter, Thermometer, RockerSwitch and ToggleSwitch objects - "Bevel outer contour" and "Bevel inner contour" properties do not work
  • Templates and template objects: RockerSwitch object - the "Button level 2 width" property does not work
  • Templates and template objects: Chart object - "EndUpdate" command, during historical loading, causes crash.
  • Template Builder: Switch objects defined with resource number 2 are not shown.
  • Templates and template objects: Chart object - changing chart group sometimes causes crashes.
  • Protocol Winlog Evo TCP server: doesn't work - needed recompilation
  • Templates and template objects: In exceptional cases, when opening the template, Gauge object can cause crash of Runtime.

Dependencies upgrade

  • Language and API: MariaDB Connector/C upgraded to version 3.1.13.



New features

  • Language and API: Added APIs to interface with MySQL/MariaDB databases.
  • Language and API: Added APIs to interface with SQLite databases.
  • WebClient: Web templates can now be organized into subfolders.
  • Templates and template objects: Reference to templates can be specified with the full path.
  • WebClient: Add support to HistoricalView component.
  • WebClient: Add Settings panel and Server date and time.

Bug fixes

  • Data logs: "Mean value" columns are filled with wrong values.
  • Language and API: Some code analysis errors are meaningless.
  • Project Manager: Web templates opened by OnDblClick events are not considered for publication.
  • SmartApp: Event/alarm filters may work incorrectly if a user belongs to more than one group.
  • WebClient: Chart: y-axis labels could not be disabled.
  • WebClient: CheckBox, RadioButton: fix rendering in case of empty label.
  • WebClient: StatusBar: fix label displayed gate's value.

Performance improvements

  • SmartApp Builder: Modified verification of correctness in the definition of alarm display conditions



New features

  • WebClient: Add support to adaptive template: templates can be defined in order to fit the browser window.
  • WebClient: Add support to TabSheet, OnlineAlarmsView and OperatorView components.
  • WebClient: Add support to properties Cursor, OnDblClick and FnKey.
  • Template objects: In Runtime, added support for SVG as background images of templates.
  • Protocol Sartorius balance: Added new communication protocol for Sartorius balance
  • Protocol Mitsubishi Melsec 3E frame: Added new communication protocol for Mitsubishi PLC IQ-R series
  • WebClient: Class values in HistoricalEventsView and in OnlineAlarmsView can be filtered by a gate.
  • Template objects: HistoricalView - introduced the possibility of specifying, in the format for displaying the value, the character "*" instead of the number of decimals to be displayed.

Bug fixes

  • SmartApp: Filters on events/alarms are not working properly.
  • WebClient: Publication of Web Client may fail to export some fonts used in web templates.
  • Virtual keyboard: With a keyboard layout other than English or Italian, the character "." is not sent correctly.
  • Sharing protocol OPC UA Server: Writing to a digital gate by an OPC UA client does not work.
  • Protocol Mitsubishi Melsec 1E frame: Error checking numeric gates in block in case of Double variables .
  • Protocol Mitsubishi Melsec 1E frame: Numeric gates block reading error in case of Double variables
  • Template objects: HistoricalView - the chronological order of the historical records belonging to the same second is reversed.
  • Template objects: Fixed OnClick actions of the OnlineView object.

Performance improvements

  • WebClient: Improve tabular components performance in presence of an high number (1000+) of entries.
  • Gate Builder: Modified verification of correctness of event gates and elimination of autocomplete text in ComboBoxes



Bug fixes

  • WebClient: Edit: fix issue on value change
  • Project Manager: Fixed issue on Project->options window
  • Gate Builder: Minor bug fixed



Bug fixes

  • Application Builder: Cannot be opened.
  • Gate Builder, Sharing protocol OPC UA Server: If a new project is created by immediately enabling the OPC Ua server, the definition of the numeric, digital, string and composite gates in the Gate Builder causes an error
  • Sharing protocol OPC UA Server: Memory leak fixing
  • Gate Builder, Sharing protocol OPC UA Server: Error opening Alarms/Events gates in case of sharing protocol OPC UA server enabled.



New features

  • Sharing protocol OPC UA Server: Added OPC UA Server sharing protocol
  • WebClient: Chart: enabled "Enable points", "Line width", "interpolation" and "Show reset zoom button" properties

Bug fixes

  • WebClient: Fix evaluation of Enable and Access properties
  • WebClient: Chart: fix loading issue when the Chart object is configured to show future days
  • WebClient: Edit, Label, StatusBar: fix displayed value in particular circumstances
  • Project Manager: The data log configuration files are not exported / imported if the check box for exporting / importing reports and data logs is not selected.



New features

  • Licensing: Project Manager can manage the upgrade of the software license.
  • Language and API: Added GetEvnGateProp() instruction.

Bug fixes

  • WebClient: Some templates could not be loaded on Chromium-based browsers
  • SmartApp: Gauge: fix bar width when the unit measure is not defined in pixels
  • SmartApp: UpDown: in some circumstances, decimals are not correctly displayed
  • Template Builder: StatusBar object - states with "None" condition are mistakenly deleted
  • SmartApp Builder: ToggleSwitch and Button objects - if you switch from selecting a digital to a numeric gate, the default condition is not updated.
  • Template Builder: StatusBar object - non-existent gates are added to the template gates list if there are statusBars with specified a gate to be displayed in the StatusBar text.
  • Language and API: GetDayOfWeekFromSeconds() instruction returns 7 for Sunday, while, according to the help, it should return 0.



Performance improvements

  • Licensing: 15 second filter introduced on "Not present "license detection



New features

  • Protocol Modbus RTU, Protocol Modbus TCP: Added reading and writing of two new Double format encodings (Functions 31,32,41,42)

Bug fixes

  • WebClient: Fix error on loading templates containing 16-bit Unicode characters
  • Template objects: In some circumstances, "Default" and "None" states of Image and Status bar objects can cause crash of Runtime.
  • SmartApp: Minor bug fix
  • Template objects: StatusBar: removed BkColor property
  • WebClient: In some circumstances, "Default" and "None" states of Image and Status bar objects are not correctly handled



Bug fixes

  • Template objects: AlarmsView, HistAlarmsView, OperatorView objects: multilanguage is not applied to the columns header



New features

  • Template objects: Image, StatusBar objects: possibility to specify a "Default" status

Bug fixes

  • WebClient: Fix bitwise condition evaluation
  • WebClient: Fix reconnection alert issue
  • Template Builder: On multi-monitor workstations, some windows appear on a different monitor than the one where the TBuilder main window is located.
  • Protected project: The runtime license is not considered valid when executing a protected project.

Performance improvements

  • Language and API: SendMail: added possibility to send up to 20 attachments per single email.



New features

  • WebClient: Added Web Client, a new web interface to interact with Winlog Runtime using only a regular web browser.
  • Protocol Siemens MPI: Added support to PLC S7 200 Smart devices.
  • Template objects: Added support to SVG support for Led, Switch and BkImage objects.
  • Protocol Junkalor Infralyt 80: Added new protocol driver to communicate with Junkalor Infralyt 80 industrial gas analyzers.

Bug fixes

  • Licensing: When "demo" mode expires, state of the sampled gates is OK instead of KO.
  • Template Builder: Selecting static properties of an ActiveX object causes an error.

Performance improvements

  • Reports: Updated PDF reports conversion procedure.

GUI improvements

  • Templates and template objects: Most of the led and switch resources are available as SVG images.



New features

  • Protocol ODBC Client: Added the possibility to specify default values in case of records not found. Maximum number of read and write queries increased to 250. Full review of driver code and error logging system.
  • WebClient: Add support to SVG images.
  • Template objects: Add support to SVG images.

Bug fixes

  • WebClient: Fix automatic reconnection procedure.
  • WebClient: Fix UpDown component height.
  • WebClient: Fix object overflow in template.
  • WebClient: Chart: fix default line-width.
  • SmartApp: Bug fixes.
  • WebClient: Fix visualization of label with %.*f format.

Performance improvements

  • SmartApp: General improvements
  • WebClient: Improvements for ComboBox, GroupBox, Edit and other objects.

GUI improvements

  • WebClient: Add scroll bars when a template overflows the viewport.



New features

  • SmartApp: Released Smart App v2. Code is completely refactored.
  • SmartApp: Added new conditions to select states of the objects.

Bug fixes

  • Gate Builder: In a new project, first execution of Gate Builder creates default gates files but with incorrect names.
  • Recipes: An error message appears when a recipe is renamed.
  • Template Builder: In some circumstances, while saving the template file, links between objects and gates can be corrupted.

GUI improvements

  • Template objects: Added new led and switch images as resources.


  • Code Builder: Online help updated.



New features

  • Data logs: Added Data logs, a new feature that allows you to log data into ODBC databases and CSV files.
  • Protocol OMRON FINS: Added support to NJ and NX series PLC families.
  • Protocol OPC UA Client: Added new communication protocol driver.
  • Watchdog: Added Watchdog, a new feature that allows you to monitor execution of Winlog Runtime and restart it automatically in case of crash.

Bug fixes

  • Gate Builder: Exporting the gates in text format, column separator is added after the last column.

Performance improvements

  • Reports: Improved the procedures used to create and manage reports.